#28 “My senior manager, who was also this man’s manager, said to me ‘Why can’t you just take him out for a beer and smooth things over?’”


“At Amazon, I worked with a particularly territorial and aggressive manager from another team. We frequently did not see eye to eye. This escalated to the point that he stormed out of a meeting where he disagreed with a decision my team and I had made.

He was a tenured manager, and I was a young woman engineer, only three years into my career, and yet, the responsibility for patching the relationship was fully put on me. My senior manager, who was also this man’s manager, said to me ‘Why can’t you just take him out for a beer and smooth things over?’”


#29 “Every time I stayed late at work, when almost everyone was gone for the day, I would see this man walk over to talk flirtatiously with a couple of women engineers on his team…”


#27 “I’ve seen people link race and sex to performance outcomes, through gender and heteronormative slurs at each other and make crass fraternity-style humor…”