#31 “I witnessed them berating him, belittling him in front of other coworkers, giving him unfair unattainable deadlines, denying him tools and resources that would accommodate his disability.”


“I reported my manager and coworker for sabotaging my coworker who happens to be black, male, and disabled. I witnessed them berating him, belittling him in front of other coworkers, giving him unfair unattainable deadlines, denying him tools and resources that would accommodate his disability. A coworker even told him ‘I know your type from the hood.’ The manager would tell him and our team ‘I don't know how you got hired. You're not a good fit.’ I reported and documented all of these things to HR and was retaliated against by the manager. She cancelled all of our 1:1 meetings, she excluded me from meetings directly impacting my work. She stole my ideas and took credit for them. She invited me to leadership meetings after they had already started and this made me appear late. She approved my attendance to D&I events and then create an excuse as to why I could no longer attend the events. She later told me she was upset with me that I told HR she did nothing when she witnessed to hostile treatment of my disabled colleague.”


#32 “He then goes on to tell me ‘I have a friend who is black as night but I don't care if you're purple or polka dot; I don't see color.’”


#30 “I'm not sure where to begin with the amount of discomfort I've experienced in the work place. As a Black, woman in tech I'm all too familiar with being an extreme minority.”