#55 “I started receiving inappropriate emails from another employee in my business unit.”


“I started receiving inappropriate emails from another employee in my business unit. He was several years my senior, male and we did not have any direct contact at work, either professionally or socially. After the second or third email, my boss (female) encouraged me to file a report with HR. After doing so, and after receiving a number of subsequent emails, HR did not take any action, as the emails were not explicit (they were more like poems or compliments). Eventually, after I asked him via email to stop sending me non-work related emails, he stopped. For years after that, any time I passed him in the hallway at work, I was extremely uncomfortable. Years after I stopped receiving emails from him, I found out that he did the same thing to another female colleague, who was a few years younger than me. I don't know if she reported him to HR, but it's disturbing to think that he might've done this to several other women over the years without consequence.”


#56 “‘I don't feel as comfortable on that form of transportation, because the black people are usually more loud and rowdy.’”


#54 “My manager brought me in for a 1:1 one day and said he had a long talk with his wife... and prayed about me.  He decided he would cut my salary by $25k…”