#88 “I’m going to share a TLDR version to spare a good friendship.”


“I'm going to share a TLDR version to spare a good friendship.

A male coworker with similar background and experience as I received a 5 digit raise. I was offered 1/5 of that raise. Meanwhile - I was forced to step into more of a senior technical role and support multiple apps after people had left and were not replaced. I pushed back, told my manager I deserved more and he said I should be appreciative at my level. So, I went back to my desk, gathered all sorts of emails and praise from coworkers on the team, and presented it back to him. He was persistent and I was crushed. The raise was equivalent to an extra dinner a month. What floors me is that if I wasn't good friends with the person who had held a job equivalent to mine, I would have never known my worth. That was the first time I earned less for the same job, but it wouldn't be the last unfortunately.”


#89 “The hiring manager bragged openly about how ‘little’ she hired me for while I was desperately leaving a toxic work environment.”


#87 “As a new professional in the technology industry, I really didn't know what to expect upon entering the workforce….”