#96 “He said that she did not know what she was talking about and that she should be fired.”


“A teammate of mine was in a project design meeting with a handful of managers and fellow engineers more senior than herself (she was notably the only woman in the meeting). She disagreed with parts of the project's design in regards to our team's service, and an engineer remarked to the rest of the room that she shouldn't have even been in the meeting. Upon further disagreement on the design which got more contentious, he said that she did not know what she was talking about and that she should be fired. Not only is that a pretty serious threat for someone more senior than you to make, there was absolutely no reason for him to treat her that way for doing her job. He treated her like that in front of senior engineers and other managers (including ours at the time), and nobody reprimanded him or stuck up for her. She owned the design for our team, the overall design had not been decided yet. Aren't we supposed to Disagree before Committing? Another female engineer who worked closely with him quit because she couldn't handle his behavior, and management did nothing to fix the work environment he made. That engineer had (at least one) HR/ER case opened, but it never went anywhere. He's seen a promotion since.”


#97 “Being new in the company and on H1B, I somehow made peace with it by telling myself that that is just the way he is and does not personally hold anything against me.”


#95 “They had hired our new support operator due to her looks, after extensively stalking her on social media.”